124 Winona St SE
Chatfield, MN 55923
Worship Service: 10 am Every Sunday
Gluten-Free Communion Offered the First Sunday of Every Month
Sunday School 10 am Every Sunday from September through May
Sunday School joins Worship Service the First Sunday of Every Month
The church is fully accessible on either the lower or upper parking lot.
Thank you so much for finding us on the web. Coming into a new church can be hard so we want you to know some of what to expect when you enter our faith community.First, know that you are very welcome. We are a church that is truly open to all expression of being.Please read the welcome by Pastor Debra to hear how she welcomes all of God’s children to Chatfield UMC.
You will notice all sorts of dress when you enter the worship space. We don’t care what you wear. Really, we don’t. You may be coming from work or just trying to get a start on your day. We are here to focus on God’s work in our lives not what anyone looks like.
We are open and affirming which means we not only welcome those who identify as LGBTQIA+ but also support them and everyone to be who God created them to be.
On the other Sundays of the month children are invited to attend Sunday School. However, this is not a requirement. Infants are always welcome in this church. We love to hear their little noises. If you would like to give your child the space to play or be a little louder, a child friendly room is located across the hallway from the worship space. You can participate in the worship while your child plays and does what children do.
When you come to worship on Sunday morning you will notice that the Praise Team begins singing at 9:30. Pastor Debra will make her way to the front during this opening singing. So don’t be alarmed if you are a little late. Also, don’t feel as if you have to join in singing. These opening songs are a way for us to let go of the world ‘outside’ as we center our focus on the God who is present.
If you come on the 1st Sunday of the month, children will be in the worship service. Every age is always welcome to worship, but on the first Sunday we worship together as an intergenerational church.
This is the Sunday we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. In the United Methodist Church EVERYONE is ALWAYS welcome to the table. EVERYONE! We even serve only gluten free bread and unfermented grape juice so that everyone can participate without concern for food allergies or sensitivity to alcohol.
We serve communion by intinction, which means that you will receive a piece of bread from Pastor Debra which you will dip into a cup of grape juice offered to you by the communion servers. If you need communion in your seat, just let an usher know. They will make sure Pastor Debra or a communion server will serve you where you are.
If you ever have questions or concerns, we are always willing to hear and respond.
Please contact Pastor Debra at the information provided.
We want you to have a worship experience that gives you the space to grow in your faith as you become more and more the person God created you to be.
Come Worship With Us!